Cooking show
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Dave Smith[_1_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 35,884
Cooking show
On 2019-07-01 4:05 p.m.,
> On Monday, July 1, 2019 at 2:54:04 PM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
>> I'm so very lucky I get four PBS channels. Not that there is
>> always something on I want to watch. But the selection is pretty
>> darn good.
>> Jill
> And they wonder why they are not receiving the funds they want when
> they do those quarterly fund drives! I'm not sending money into
> purchase 50 year old programs. They would counter with if they had
> more money they would not purchase 50 year old programs. Uh-huh.
It's foreign for me, and my taxes are already going to TV Ontario, which
runs has similar programming, not to mention the CBC, which has become
the propaganda wing of the Liberal government.
What I find annoying about PBS is that they air the good old stuff
during their begathons and then say that if you want to see more good
programming like whatever show they are airing, then make a pledge now.
All kinds of people get sucked into pledging money to support that show,
but then you don't see it again until the next begathon, when they once
again say that if you want to see that programming, call and make a
pledge now.
> I get two PBS channels, one is my local and the other one is from a
> large town 100 miles east of me. I do see where there is another
> 'national' PBS station on DirecTV but it is not available to me.
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Dave Smith[_1_]
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