Thread: Cooking show
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[email protected][_2_][_2_] is offline
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Default Cooking show

On Tuesday, July 2, 2019 at 6:35:17 AM UTC-5, wrote:
> On Mon, 1 Jul 2019 18:45:38 -0700 (PDT), "
> > wrote:
> >Can I get NatGeo, History Channel, A&E, AHC, Turner Classic Movies, Starz,
> >Encore, FXMHD, BBC America, PARHD, and about 4 dozen other channels on
> >it? If so, how much per month? Does it come with a DVR?

> I think you could get them, so stations will actually charge you but I
> won't pay so I don't bother. I do pay less than $10 per month for
> Netflix and $4.99 to be a prime member of CBC which then gives you all
> their programmes, minus the ads. I have no more use for my DVR
> because you can watch all those things anytime you want so not worth
> the bother.

I did look at Chromecast (UGH probably spy network from the biggest spy on
the planet --- Google) and I can get DirecTV shows and premium channels like
I get now --- for the same price I am presently paying.
> One advantage I like is tonight there is a whole hour of Coronation St
> and I like to watch it later in the evening. So I will just zoom in
> on chromecast at the time that suits me and pick it up then, minus the
> ads.

Never have seen that program, so really don't know what it is.
> Here's a link that will likely answer your question better