Thread: Cooking show
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Cooking show

> Gary wrote:
> >I found it interesting that all liberal news boycotted Trumps 4th
> >ceremony. Normally when our President speaks, many channels cover
> >it. Not this time. This bitter anti Trump nonsense is going to
> >cost the Democrats the next election, imo.
> >
> >Kudos to CNN for covering it though. Only other channel was Fox
> >News.
> >Funny too how after the event, CNN had all their "experts"
> >commenting on it and putting him down in every manner. Then on
> >Fox News, their "experts" cryed the exact opposite opinions. We
> >are all screwed here in this great land. Most of our federal tax
> >is being spent on partisan arguements.

> I didn't watch it, figured it was a Red Square look alike and he just
> needed to invite Putin.

You figured wrong. If he was trying to compete with the old
Soviet Union military parades, he failed miserably. He did a
nice speech though. Only anti-Trump folks can find fault in this
and they certainly did.

And all this sore-loser crap and investigations about Russia
interfering in the last election. Again, just sore loser Dems
stretching for anything they can. Two and a half years later and
Dems are still wailing and gnashing their loser teeth about Trump
winning. They have wasted more tax dollars just trying to get
some dirt on him to show he cheated. Unbelievable.

IMO, the democrats are the ones embarrassing our country. They're
insane with envy.

Not only what if Russia tried to influence the
election. Even most americans know how so many times the USA has
influenced elections in other countries. Pot-kettle black. No big
deal. It happens all the time.

Gore cried chads in Florida. Now losing again, dems cry Russian
influence. Democrat party has lost all face, imo.