Thread: Cooking show
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Default Cooking show

On Fri, 05 Jul 2019 11:19:18 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>S Viemeister wrote:
>> On 7/5/2019 1:11 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>> > Of course, but *I* haven't heard anyone saying anything like that
>> > about him.
>> >
>> > The only place I have seen anything like that is here! All I hear
>> > about him is how he is helping 'the people'!
>> >

>> Most of the people I know in the US, find Trump embarrassing - and
>> terrifying.

>Speaking as an american... Trump is not very presidential and
>yes, a bit embarrassing at times. He is the president though so I
>will continue to support him (but not necessarily agree with
>him). If the American ppl are not happy with him, he'll get voted
>out next year. No worries.
>He can't really accomplish much at all as the Democrat side
>constantly not only fight his wishes but is constantly trying to
>jail him. LOL! Dems are shooting theirselves in the foot with all
>this. He might even win again because of the sore-loser syndrome.
>I reserve judging his presidency until he does leave. So far he's
>been swimming upstream constantly. I personally think he is
>handling the hostile countries well. He threatens but he tries to
>befriend them and hold off acting on his dire warnings.

That is something none of us laugh about - he is bloody dangerous with
hostile countries, still thinks he is on some tv programme or
>Why not blame the difficult other country leaders for this
>turmoil rather than Trump. That's an anti-Trump thing by
>Democrats. With them, he's damned if he does and damned if he
>doesn't. Jackasses all.
>It really sickens me to see a US President portrayed to the world
>as such a loser by his own country. THAT'S what is embarrassing
>to me. Crybaby Democrats. As I've always said, this is the United
>States and we should all at least put up a united front to the
>rest of the worthless world and "support your local sheriff."
>In the future, it will take one very special democrat for me to
>vote for any in that crybaby party ever again. Trump isn't nearly
>as embarrassing as the democrat opposition is. Unbelievable times
>here in the USA.