On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 13:13:26 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
>On Sunday, July 7, 2019 at 9:47:58 AM UTC-10, Bruce wrote:
>> On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 12:41:19 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
>> wrote:
>> >dsi1 truly does love blanket statements. The Chinese are the world's biggest cheapskates. The Hawaiian word for Chinese is "Pake." Pake is also the Hawaiian word for cheapskate. To yoose guys, they's just funny looking yellow people but the Hawaiians have an imitate knowledge of the Chinese. They play an important part of our culture. As usual, you know nothing about what you speak. That's an important part of your culture! Pffft! ;p
>> Sydney has lots of cheap Asian restaurants, especially cheap Chinese
>> and Thai. They're great cooks, but I always wonder which shortcuts
>> they've taken. The meat will be industry meat for sure. The fish will
>> be tilapia or basa. Will the vegetables be grown with human manure?
>> They can make a turd taste good, but you're still eating a turd.
>If it tastes good, who gives a shit?
I do. Non Asians sometimes have standards
>My boss' favorite restaurant in New York was closed down. The newspaper said there was cat in the pressed duck. This made him sad because he loved pressed duck and evidently, pressed cat.
>My rule of thumb is that you never want to go into the kitchen of a Chinese restaurant. Things will go a lot smoother that way.
As long as the cockroaches and the rats don't end up in the food, it's
fine with me.