Dinner for ten
On 7/8/2019 10:01 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
> On 7/8/2019 1:57 AM, Je�us wrote:
>> On Sun, 7 Jul 2019 20:21:22 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>> wrote:
>>> On 7/7/2019 8:06 PM, Je?us wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 07 Jul 2019 13:08:00 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
>>>> > wrote:
>>>>> I singlehandedly cooked dinner for ten. Big deal you say? I used to
>>>>> cook dinner for three hundred for Ducks Unlimited. But I had lots and
>>>>> lots and lots of help.
>>>>> I cooked three sides of pork ribs, three boxes of chicken Rice-A-Roni,
>>>>> shucked, snapped and boiled six ears of corn for twelve pieces and
>>>>> made
>>>>> a Cole slaw for twelve. I used three glass casseroles to pack
>>>>> three-rib
>>>>> sections into and baked at 250F for three hours and fifteen minutes. I
>>>>> could have used a little more time, but it was fine.
>>>>> Then I individually separated the ribs into 42 pieces and painted each
>>>>> one with Bullseye.
>>>>> I chose to tell everyone that it was buffet style and collapsed in my
>>>>> La-Z-Boy while they served themselves. Oh, I also washed every damn
>>>>> utensil and casserole as they became available while I cooked. I
>>>>> encouraged everyone to eat more at any opportunity. We still have some
>>>>> of everything left except the corn.
>>>>> That was a one shot deal. I'm too old for this.
>>>> Misleading. Based on the subject header, I thought you were having
>>>> dinner with Farrah Fawcett.
>>> Â*Â* I believe you mean Bo Derek ...
>> Ssh!!
>>> Farrah in Cannonball Run was pretty
>>> , ummm , nice .
>> Curious how I would react to her (at her peak) at my current age...
>> she was hot back then but is she hot by 2019 standards?
> Â* I think hotness is timeless - though determined by societal
> preferences . Guys that like fat chicks are always gonna like fat chicks
> . I prefer built for speed , not for distance .
But age makes a difference. When you were 18 I doubt you looked at many
women in their 40s or 50s and think they were hot. Would be like dating
your mother. When you hit your 60s though, those same women certainly