Thread: Dinner 7/8/2019
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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner 7/8/2019

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/8/2019 7:22 PM, wrote:
>> On Monday, July 8, 2019 at 5:53:05 PM UTC-5, jmcquown wrote:
>>> Grill-pan on the stovetop swordfish steak
>>> Boiled then smashed roasted small red potatoes
>>> (green veggie to be determined)
>>> Jill

>> Kroger's low-fat frozen yogurt chocolate 'ice cream' for dinner tonight
>> here.

> I'm cooking dinner of a swordfish steak and boiled then roasted potatoes.
> The green veggie to go with it could be anything.
> I don't really think about ice cream or dessert as dinner. You'd really
> have to explain that to get me to understand it.

Some people like that.

I remember my mom taking me to Grant's (Dime Store) for a "treat" lunch of a
banana split. I'd never had one before but only because it didn't look
appealing to me. I didn't like anything that went into a banana split so I
didn't want to try it.

Normally I had a stuffed tomato. Might be stuffed with cottage cheese,
chicken salad or tuna salad. I didn't care which. I loved them all. Jo, the
cook/waitress always threw a hot dog bun on the grill to go with it. They
were the type used for lobster rolls. No clue where they got them as I've
never seen them for sale here.

My mom tried a big build up about the banana split and told me that I was
going to love it and what a special treat it was and not to tell my dad that
I'd had it.

As it turned out, I didn't have it. I tried a tiny taste of each part of it,
then fought back the tears. I was hungry but there was no way I could eat
that. For some reason, my mom likes to have sweets as a meal. Not me. They
leave me feeling unwell and hungry.

Some years back, before melon gave me stomach pains, I would hollow out half
a honeydew or cantaloupe and fill it with fruit and sorbet, sherbet or
cottage cheese and that would be a meal on a hot day. I preferred mine with
cottage cheese though. And sometimes I'll have an apple with peanut butter
for a meal. That's slightly sweet but not enough to sicken me.