Dinner 7/8/2019
Julie Bove wrote:
> And sometimes I'll have an apple with peanut butter
> for a meal. That's slightly sweet but not enough to sicken me.
Occasionally, I like a snack (or a meal) of just sliced apples,
sliced sharp cheddar cheese, put on a good cracker (not saltines)
eaten as an open faced sandwich.
And speaking of peanut butter, I had one of your favorite snacks
yesterday. One slice of bread toasted then immediately (while
toast is hot) slathered with peanut butter so it's all melty and
gooey. Eat it immediately while it's still warm and gooey. lol
Just teasing you there but I did eat that yesterday. I like it.
Even better to slap a slice of swiss cheese on top to soften.