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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Sriracha maker Huy Fong ordered to pay millions in damages tochili pepper supplier Underwood Ranches

On Thursday, July 11, 2019 at 3:58:11 AM UTC-10, songbird wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
> ...
> > Sriracha is made from jalapenos? Holy mackerel! This is what happens when people get greedy. They each shot themselves in the foot then they shot each other in the head. It's a big bloody shame!

> yes, but notice the point in contention was the
> worry about losing the contract to Wally's World
> if the cost increase was too high.
> the price is very low IMO, which is good for
> everyone who buys it, but it does put pressure on
> the grower and producer to keep those costs in
> line.
> a large bottle of it costs about $4 which is
> pretty cheap - i buy it at a little asian food
> store because i like to give them the business
> instead.
> songbird

My guess is that one party wanted more money for their peppers and the other wanted to pay less. They probably could have worked it out but that's the way things escalate in divorces.

I first bought Sriracha because the stuff was going for under 2 bucks a bottle. It seemed like a pretty good deal. It was love at first bite.