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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Produce problems in your area?

"songbird" > wrote in message
> Julie Bove wrote:
> ...
>> Are things this bad in your area? Or is it just here? I've been resorting
>> to
>> buying frozen stuff, especially for stir fries.

> where is here?
> i've not noticed it being too horrible other than for
> celery.
> juicing is a waste of $.
> most people need more fiber that is rough not all
> ground to bits and if you want something to drink
> have some water.

I'm not most people. If I were to eat what I wanted to, I would get more
than double the recommended amount of fiber per day. I have gastroparesis
(slowed digestion) from diabetes so I have to really be careful not to
overdo on the fiber. Even in cutting back, I still take in about what the
daily amount should be. I love celery and I do eat it and use it in cooking
but juicing allows me to consume more of it. I don't have a juicer. I chop
three ribs, put it in a cup of water, then strain and drink over ice. I do
not use cheesecloth as recommended to strain. I pour it through a scoop with
holes in it so I am getting some of the pulp.