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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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On Friday, July 12, 2019 at 8:56:26 AM UTC-10, Sheldon wrote:
> I'm certain that the climate is changing but so impeceptively and
> slowly that no one has noticed any changes in over a thousand years.
> What changes on a daily basis is weather... for as long as I'm here
> each year's seasons have been eswsentially a duplicate of previous
> year's. There's nothing humans can do on this planet to affect its
> climate... only what occurs on our sun can affect climate. Anyone
> talking climate change has to have gone comatose in the 4th grade...
> that's about when the rudiments of our solar system is learned...
> wasn't all that long ago when humans learned that this planet wasn't
> flat and the planets were in solar orbit. Climate change is a
> misnomer... anyone with a functioning brain says solar and atmospheric
> change. Climate is a product of the polluting populations

"There's nothing humans can do on this planet to affect its climate..."

"Climate is a product of the polluting populations"

That's goofy as hell.