Produce problems in your area?
On 2019-07-14 12:36 a.m., Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >, tert in seattle
> > wrote:
>> I'm not sure how a person can argue with "the 10 warmest years on record
>> have all occurred since 1998" - it's just data, and it needs to be taken
>> seriously, not confused with this sunspots crap or whatever
> Oh, that's easy! I lost my job in the late seventies to global cooling.
> That made me a sceptic. The grand data points on whatever graph you're
> selling have been collected by "climatologists" since then, when they
> learned that being a compliant "climatologist" means big bucks from
> taxpayer funding [government grants] if they can sell a program that
> benefits the various governments. Keep the populace afraid, and control
> them with blather and points on a questionable graph.
> Climate change is ongoing since our planet first formed.
> leo
Lot of ostriches here this morning!