Soaking beans
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Posts: 101
Soaking beans
On 7/13/2019 6:16 PM,
> On Saturday, July 13, 2019 at 4:57:30 PM UTC-5, songbird wrote:
>> KenK wrote:
>>> Every couple of weeks I make some bean soup in my old Rival crockpot. About
>>> 6 - 8 hours on high, a few more hours until supper time on low. I soak the
>>> nothern beans overnight.
>>> If I forget to soak them, can I still make the soup by adding extra water
>>> as needed since they cook so long? I'm too lazy to try it. Anyone?
>> i never soak beans, just bring them to a boil and
>> then simmer them until done is how i do it.
>> songbird
> Same here.
That's how I do it. I let them boil for a couple of minutes before I
turn down the heat. You can also do the boiling part on the stove top
and then put them in a 300 deg F. oven for anywhere from 40 minutes to
an hour, depending on the kind of bean and how old they are.
These days, ironically enough, I soak brown/green lentils for an hour or
so before I cook them. I basically cover them with water while I prep
everything else and then cook them normally. It softens up the skins
and makes them tender without losing their shape.
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