Produce problems in your area?
On 2019-07-14 3:45 a.m., Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>> Unfortunately, that's going to cost some money and the biggest
>> polluters -the US and China- hate spending money.
> Our "leaders" can't reverse a climatological trend by spending our
> money. I wish that people took classes in charlatanism in high school.
> You and I seem to be at a philosophical impasse, as always ;-)
Many of the left leaners up here are crying for the need for a carbon
tax. They think it is the only way to stop global climate change. Yet
there is nothing in the government's plans to use the revenue for any
projects aimed at reducing emissions, other than the higher cost of fuel
causing people to use less. Meanwhile, out provincial government is
fighting the feds in the court. Ontario argued that we had already
reduced our emissions substantially over the previous decade without a
carbon tax, while other provinces' emissions increased.