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Bruce wrote:
> Things are definitely changing. The only debate can be whether man's
> doing it or not.
> Left wing says: it's us, let's stop polluting. Right wing says: it's
> not us, let's continue polluting. Why is this a left wing/right wing
> thing? Common sense says: let's stop polluting regardless.
I agree. I'm sure mankind could at least slow down the changes if
they tried. Every little bit helps. Only a small amount of people
do this though.
Especially in the last 100 years or a bit more, mankind is
literally raping the earth and quickly using up resources that
took millions of years to form. Removing vast areas of forests
that replace co2 with oxygen. Dumping all kinds of waste in the
waters. No other life form on earth does this kind of global
damage. We are a doomed species no matter what little steps we
take to stall the inevitable.
Even many people that "care" are often hypocrites. They preach it
but they don't live it. Our luxuries are to valuable to give up.