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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Produce problems in your area?

On Sun, 14 Jul 2019 16:42:44 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 7/14/2019 3:08 AM, Bruce wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Jul 2019 23:36:57 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
>> > wrote:
>>> In article >, tert in seattle
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I'm not sure how a person can argue with "the 10 warmest years on record
>>>> have all occurred since 1998" - it's just data, and it needs to be taken
>>>> seriously, not confused with this sunspots crap or whatever
>>> Oh, that's easy! I lost my job in the late seventies to global cooling.
>>> That made me a sceptic. The grand data points on whatever graph you're
>>> selling have been collected by "climatologists" since then, when they
>>> learned that being a compliant "climatologist" means big bucks from
>>> taxpayer funding [government grants] if they can sell a program that
>>> benefits the various governments. Keep the populace afraid, and control
>>> them with blather and points on a questionable graph.
>>> Climate change is ongoing since our planet first formed.

>> But it's going very fast and it's very damaging. And if we're causing
>> it -which scientists say is the case- then we can also stop it.
>> Unfortunately, that's going to cost some money and the biggest
>> polluters -the US and China- hate spending money.

>Harder than spending money is lifestyle change. We don't want smaller
>cars, less seasonal heating/cooling, not using a lot of packaging crap
>we don't need. USA is probably the most glutoness energy user but it
>has to be on some scale in the rest of the world too.


>Let's do it. You go first.

I think individuals won't do it in large enough numbers. People are
stupid, greedy, lazy etc. That's why governments have to do it. Of
course, with Trump, nothing will improve in the US. Maybe in 2 or 6