Produce problems in your area?
On 7/14/2019 7:15 AM, Bruce wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Jul 2019 11:59:05 +0100, "Ophelia"
> > wrote:
>> "Leonard Blaisdell" wrote in message
>> ...
>> Oh, that's easy! I lost my job in the late seventies to global cooling.
>> That made me a sceptic. The grand data points on whatever graph you're
>> selling have been collected by "climatologists" since then, when they
>> learned that being a compliant "climatologist" means big bucks from
>> taxpayer funding [government grants] if they can sell a program that
>> benefits the various governments. Keep the populace afraid, and control
>> them with blather and points on a questionable graph.
>> Climate change is ongoing since our planet first formed.
>> leo
>> ====
>> Notice how it changed from global warming to climate change <g> I
>> wonder if they have made up their minds yet?
> They're finding Mediterranean insects in the Netherlands now. Also,
> when we used to have holidays on the Mediterranean in the 70s, you
> didn't want to step on "vives" (weever fish). They had a sting on
> their back that hurt like hell. They're now finding them along North
> Sea beaches.
> Things are definitely changing. The only debate can be whether man's
> doing it or not.
> Left wing says: it's us, let's stop polluting. Right wing says: it's
> not us, let's continue polluting. Why is this a left wing/right wing
> thing? Common sense says: let's stop polluting regardless.
Polar ice is melting for some reason. It is warmer no matter the reason
I just don't see how 7 billion people can burn millions of barrels of
oil and tons of coal and not have some change. We also generate a lot of
trash. Instead of dumping it, recover the energy.