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Gregory Morrow
Posts: n/a

Kswck wrote:

> > As cheap tippers go, they rank right up there with seniors partaking of
> > the
> > Early Bird dinner special, groups of women (of *any* age), Koreans, and
> > ignorant bible beaters who for their Sunday post - church lunch tip will
> > leave the hapless server not a monetary tip but a religious tract

> > the ungodly habit of working on Sunday to gain flilthy lucre...
> >

> Those types of church-goers you just want to chase out into the parking

> and pound on.

Yep a server can really pay the rent and the light bill with those Jack
Chick tracts:

"Most Christians want to witness, but many never do. With Chick tracts, it's
so easy you'll ENJOY it....

The devil doesn't mind it when Christians hand out gospel tracts... just as
long as nobody reads them. But when Chick tracts are distributed, he blows a
fuse, because he knows that nobody can resist them. "Chick tracts GET READ!"
It's more than a motto... it's a fact!

Many Christians would love to witness, but feel they are too shy. Chick
tracts solve that problem. Just leave Chick tracts wherever you go. People
will find them...and read them. We have received hundreds of testimonies
from people who have gotten saved after reading a Chick tract that they

"It has never been easy for me to witness to people, but giving out Chick
tracts has made it joyfully easy to do."

"I found a copy of THIS WAS YOUR LIFE in a phone booth one day and shortly
thereafter I accepted the Lord as my Saviour." CO

Our church uses your tracts in our flea market witnessing ministry. It was
your tract Somebody Goofed that changed my life at age 12. -Florida

I came to Christ out of a totally heathen background and one of the most
instrumental ministries in my life was a Chick tract given to me be my
brother. -E-Mail

"My husband is a minister who does evangelistic work, but I am shy. I am
active in my church but I wanted so much to witness to non-Christians...
I have been leaving Chick tracts everywhere! I leave them on shelves in the
grocery store and drug stores, on phone booths, on newspaper boxes, in
restaurants, in public restrooms, at the doctor's office. I made special
trips to the local health department, WIC clinic, homeless health
clinic...just to leave tracts. Even the food stamp office and Dept. of Human
Services waiting rooms. The public library. Outside the high school in a bad
neighborhood. I wrap them in plastic and toss them in driveways! I scan the
local section of our paper for people convicted of DUI or other crimes and
mail the tracts! If people did this in every town, so many could be reached.
Oh yes, I send SOMEBODY LOVES ME to abortion clinics."

Your home can be an ideal place for witnessing to family and friends.:

-Leave tracts on your coffee table for your guests

-When paying bills enclose a tract with your payment

-Having a garage sale? Set up a "free tract" table

Travelling? Give Chick tracts to:

.. Waitresses
.. Cashiers
.. Flight Attendants
.. Cab Drivers
.. Local Employees
.. Gas Station Workers
.. Truck Drivers
.. Fast Food Employees

Leave them:
.. At Gas Stations
.. In Restrooms
.. At Rest Areas
.. In Restaurants
.. On ATM Machines

At Motels:
.. On Dressers for the Maid
.. In the Gideons Bible
.. On Ice Machines
.. At Pay Phones
.. On Newspaper Racks

Traveling By Plane:
.. Plane Seat Pockets
.. Inside Magazines
.. Restrooms
.. Terminals
.. Lounges
.. Waiting Areas
.. Luggage Pickup Area
.. Meal trays

.. On Picnic Tables
.. In Laundromats
.. In Supply Stores
.. Restrooms
.. Game Rooms

Use your imagination.
The usage ideas are endless!"

Here are a few unique ways you can use Chick tracts this Halloween :

It's Halloween? Stay home and, as a family, drop Chick tracts and candy into
Trick-or-Treat bags. Your kids will love being a part of the preparation and
distribution of the candy and tracts. Plus, they'll learn a practical way to
witness that they'll never forget.

Instead of the usual haunted house, a small church in Georgia set up a
series of rooms containing dramatic portrayals of real life situations. One
shows a bloody car accident, another displayed the horrors of abortion. A
sordid drug scene was included along with a ghastly satanic ritual. The last
room contained a scorching walk through hell. At the end, trick-or-treaters
were given a gospel tract on the way out.

Another pastor spent some time teaching his church about the history of
Halloween. He then provided Chick tracts for the families to distribute when
the night came. "Many people are surprised when they learn the actual
meaning of Halloween," he said.

[Bonus reading - _Are Vampires Real?_: ]


Greg "not saved"
