Thread: Road Food
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default Road Food

On Wed, 17 Jul 2019 23:32:52 -0500, Terry Coombs >

> Â*So the camper is >this close< to ready to go ... to visit my mother in
>law up in Kaintuck . We'll be draggin' this 25 footer with us , because
>my wife wants to and because there ain't a motel I'd stay in that will
>let us keep a 70 pound dog (staying with her mom is not an option , Max
>would have her run bugnuts inside of an hour). It's a full up
>you-can-live-in-it camper (we did for a while) but I don't want to
>"fully provision" it because it will probably be at least a few months
>until we use it again . I'm looking for suggestions for stuff that
>doesn't need a lot of spices and ancillary equipment . Burgers and 'dogs
>can only go so far . We'll be limited on 'lectric - 15 amp supply is
>probably going to get maxed out by the AC so no crock pots or air fryers
>- but we do have a gas range & oven and nukler oven . I'll probably pick
>up a small hibachi or something , since the original gas grill has
>rusted beyond use - we got a LOT of great meals off that thing .

You need a couple of American flags to stick in your camper and a
spare tooth for if your current one falls out. And an old CCR tape, of