Thread: Road Food
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Road Food

On 2019-07-21 10:20 a.m., Gary wrote:
> Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2019-07-21 9:15 a.m., Gary wrote:
>>> Bruce wrote:
>>>> And pub food isn't considered restaurant food in Europe, even though
>>>> it's in a higher league than fast food.
>>> Who cares about Europe? Just a collection of ancient "horse and
>>> buggy" countries. No significance other than ancient/historic
>>> relics for tourists to gawk at and take pictures of.

>> That has to be one of the stupidest things you have ever said.

> Obviously I was teasing but with a bit of truth thrown in. Tell
> me just what do the european countries contribute to life these
> days. Tourist value. That's all they've got.

Yeah, right. You got called for a stupid comment and tried to weasel out
of it by saying that you were obviously kidding. Then your turned around
and said the same thing.

>>> Many ruled the world once but that's all gone now. Give it up.
>>> Times have changed.

>> Empires come and go, usually over the course of just a few centuries.
>> The US is likely to follow suit.

> I'll agree with you there, USA is in it's last days and much
> quicker fail-time than other ruling countries in the past. The
> chinese will win next, I suspect.