Thread: Road Food
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Default Road Food

On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 18:21:11 +1000, Bruce >

>On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 00:24:29 +0100, Pamela >
>>On 22:00 20 Jul 2019, Bruce > wrote:
>>> On Sat, 20 Jul 2019 15:59:47 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>>>Restaurant covers a large group. Yes, you can call it a takeaway
>>>>restaurant of a fast food restaurant. Family restaurant, fine dining
>>>>restaurant. Many types and many cross overs, but still fit restaurant.
>>> A fast food place is only a restaurant in the US. They have different
>>> standards. As in no standards.

>>Don't be too hard. Americans have grown up with their understanding and
>>don't know any different.
>>It wouldn't surprise me to learn that in America an ice cream parlour also
>>gets classified as a restaurant. We're divided by the same language!
>>Some fish and chips (with no tables or seating) in the U.K. style
>>themselves as a "restaurant" but that's just accepted as hype and no one
>>ever thinks of them as a real restaurant.

>And pub food isn't considered restaurant food in Europe, even though
>it's in a higher league than fast food.

Here in NYS pub food is considered gourmet, they expect yoose to hit
the bar while the chef is preparing your meal. Three four beers later
you,re served a fantastic pot roast dinner.
Any Lung Guyland gin mill served a wonderful catch of the day seafood
dinner free to regulars.

all the freshly caught flounder