Thread: Summer Cooking
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Default Summer Cooking

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 06:03:36 -0700 (PDT), Cindy Hamilton
> wrote:

>On Monday, July 22, 2019 at 6:28:34 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>> I've had many small gardens in the past and all flourished
>> without fencing, netting, cropping, etc.

>Tell that to the groundhog who came to my last unfenced garden
>and chewed on every single green tomato. It was as if he tasted
>one, hated it, and tried the next.
>Cindy Hamilton

Gary has obviously always lived in urban apartment complexes where the
only critters are skeeters/roaches. Where I live there are large
herds of deer but the farmers use electrified fencing, they also use
some sonic devices for repelling smaller critters but for small
critters they mostly rely on barn cats... 2-3 barn cats can keep 40+
acres free of rodents, rabbits, and crows. Cats mark their territory
with scent glands and urine so wont be but a few days and you won't
see any rabbits, squirrels or any corn poachers. I made a small
cat-sized opening in my vegetable garden fence. The feral cats
constantly patrol and scent mark our garden.