Thread: Summer Cooking
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Default Summer Cooking

On Mon, 22 Jul 2019 06:29:54 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>> On Sun, 21 Jul 2019 07:54:54 -0700 (PDT), GM
>> > wrote:
>> >Gary wrote:
>> >
>> >> wrote:
>> >
>> ><SNIP Gary's corn for critters discussion>
>> >
>> >> Also plant trees for show all the time. Why didn't
>> >> you plant some fruit trees back when you first bought the
>> >> property? At least a couple of apple trees and maybe other fruit
>> >> or nut trees.

I planted several apple, pear, and plum trees. I get little to no
fruit as I'd need to spray with chemicals. I have a stand of hickory
nut trees but squirrels get them all.

>> >> You could have at least turned your back pasture
>> >> into producing good treats instead of another giant lawn that you
>> >> have to mow yet never see.
>> >
>> >Fruit trees are a real "task" to maintain, in a rural area one can find plenty of seasonal fresh fruit at farmer's markets, from neighbors, etc....

>> Fruit trees require tremendous maintenence, pruning every fall is a
>> pain, and there is no such thing as organic fruit trees, they all
>> require chemical spraying as they are very susceptible to all sorts of
>> molds and rusts, and then all the insects.
>> If I planted corn without fencing the critters would eat the seedlings
>> as soon as they germinated... corn plants would need to be fenced and
>> netted or the crows would eat the seedlings.... crows and other birds
>> dig up the corn seeds unless I lay down chicken wire... without
>> fencing deer would eat the young plants well before they produced any
>> corn, deer consider young plants grass It's obvious to me that you
>> never had a vegetable garden, or any kind of garden.

>I'm laughing at you because I have had many vegetable gardens,
>just not in recent years. All you just wrote above is mostly
>paranoid nonsense.

IF you had vegetable gardens, which I don't believe with all the
nonsense you spew, they were a small patch on a city lot where there
are no deer or any critters. except for the two legged switchblade and
zipgun carrying. Ricans wearing pointy toed fence climbers.

That said Puerto Rico deserves all the misery they got, they had many,
many opportunities to vote to become a US State but instead they
thumbed their noses at the US... most too ascared they'd lose their
freebies. The only Ricans who did well are those who became US
citizens legally like forked tongued two faced Heraldo.

>> Why should I plant corn when I can drive 5 minutes up the road to the
>> vast corn fields and buy all I want for like 25¢ an ear.

>Notice all those vast cornfields are flourishing without fencing
>and (especially funny) laying down chicken wire on the ground.
>LMAO. You sir are NO farmer. You are just a manicured lawn
>I wonder how crops and forests thrived before Sheldon's wisdom.

There are huge corn fields here, all electrified fenced. The same
kind of fencing that keeps Black Angus in keeps deer out. Before
electric fencing deer became dinner. Hunting season is a recent
event. Even now farmers keep a rifle in their tractor. I'm not fond
of venison, a bit too gamey for me, but most folks around here love
that gaminess.

People like Gary got an apple tree sapling shoved up their ass and got
planted, a scarecrow!