Thread: Summer Cooking
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Janet Janet is offline
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Posts: 305
Default Summer Cooking

In article >, says...
> > There are huge corn fields here, all electrified fenced.

> One neighbor that you know has that but not for corn. It was for
> his cattle. You've told us that.
> My inlaws lived near your area. Everyone grew corn either
> commercially or just big personal gardens. I'm talking about half
> acre gardens not your cute little 32'-40' long one. They all did
> have slight deer and groundhog issues but not enough to cry
> about. All had bumper crops. I was there during corn harvest
> season a few years. End of August.
> Huge farms in the midwest don't use electric fencing and birds
> don't eat all the seeds planted. They all grow 7-8' tall corn as
> far as the eye can see. I had a roommate years ago that grew up
> in Nebraska and his father planted miles of corn crops.

It's all about scale of planting in relation to deer population.
Someone who plants miles of corn WILL lose some to wildlife but enough
survives that he hasn't wasted his time and seed.

You suggested Sheldon just grow a row or two of unfenced corn for the
deer; a small unprotected planting like that would stand no chance of
reaching maturity among the number of deer that pass through his land.

Janet UK