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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Sunday supper.... a mixed bag

Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> dsi1 > wrote:
> > These days, I like to make a minimalist style of fried rice with just garlic
> > and a little shoyu. That's the way I'd season fried rice if I was cooking for a Brit.

> This is how I make mine. Laugh if you want. First I cook two cups of
> long grain rice in a rice cooker,

Is that two cups dry rice or two cups after cooking (like 2/3 cup
dry)? Two cups finished sounds more likely with 2 scrambled eggs.

> and while that's happening, I thin
> slice a half bunch of scallions, scramble two eggs hard and chop them
> pretty small, crisp up some small diced ham in a skillet, and by that
> time the rice should be done.
> Then I heat about a tablespoon of canola oil in a two and a half quart
> pot, dump in the rice and stir it around for awhile. I add enough soy
> sauce to make the rice not quite medium brown while stirring, dump the
> crispy ham, chopped eggs and scallions in and heat it all until
> reasonably hot.
> That's it. It ain't authentic, but we like it.

Sounds good but I'm trying to come up with a sauce mix. Not just
soy sauce or teriyaki sauce. Perhaps I'm just trying too hard.
Sometimes, simple is better.

I do add some precooked (microwaved) minced carrots and scallions
or even plain minced yellow onion (not precooked).

Last mix I tried was a little soy sauce, a little fish sauce,
garlic, little sugar and very small amount of sesame oil. It's
pretty darn good but there is a better mix out there somewhere.
I'll keep experimenting.