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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Sunday supper.... a mixed bag

dsi1 wrote:
> I won't laugh at your fried rice - it's not funny enough. You have to put something really off the wall like Oreos or cotton candy to make me laugh.

Ever watch the show, "Chopped?" That sounds like them. They give
contestents 4 ingredients to make a dish. One of the ingredients
is always something very odd that no chef would add.

> People say that you're supposed to use old rice to make fried rice but I've made some with fresh cooked rice and it comes out fine. Your recipe sounds good to me. If you add a little oyster sauce, you'd be making some pretty authentic Chinese style fried rice. I don't make authentic Chinese fried rice because I don't use long grain rice.

I've only ever used long grain rice. Are other rice varieties all
that different in taste? Slightly different texture sounds pretty
insignificant to me.