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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Sunday supper.... a mixed bag

"dsi1" wrote in message

On Wednesday, July 24, 2019 at 12:08:06 AM UTC-10, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> In article >,
> dsi1 > wrote:
> > These days, I like to make a minimalist style of fried rice with just
> > garlic
> > and a little shoyu. That's the way I'd season fried rice if I was
> > cooking for a Brit.

> This is how I make mine. Laugh if you want. First I cook two cups of
> long grain rice in a rice cooker, and while that's happening, I thin
> slice a half bunch of scallions, scramble two eggs hard and chop them
> pretty small, crisp up some small diced ham in a skillet, and by that
> time the rice should be done.
> Then I heat about a tablespoon of canola oil in a two and a half quart
> pot, dump in the rice and stir it around for awhile. I add enough soy
> sauce to make the rice not quite medium brown while stirring, dump the
> crispy ham, chopped eggs and scallions in and heat it all until
> reasonably hot.
> That's it. It ain't authentic, but we like it.
> leo

I won't laugh at your fried rice - it's not funny enough. You have to put
something really off the wall like Oreos or cotton candy to make me laugh.

People say that you're supposed to use old rice to make fried rice but I've
made some with fresh cooked rice and it comes out fine. Your recipe sounds
good to me. If you add a little oyster sauce, you'd be making some pretty
authentic Chinese style fried rice. I don't make authentic Chinese fried
rice because I don't use long grain rice.


Do you make sticky rice??