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Ophelia[_11_] Ophelia[_11_] is offline
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Default Sunday supper.... a mixed bag

"Gary" wrote in message ...

dsi1 wrote:
> I won't laugh at your fried rice - it's not funny enough. You have to put
> something really off the wall like Oreos or cotton candy to make me laugh.

Ever watch the show, "Chopped?" That sounds like them. They give
contestents 4 ingredients to make a dish. One of the ingredients
is always something very odd that no chef would add.

> People say that you're supposed to use old rice to make fried rice but
> I've made some with fresh cooked rice and it comes out fine. Your recipe
> sounds good to me. If you add a little oyster sauce, you'd be making some
> pretty authentic Chinese style fried rice. I don't make authentic Chinese
> fried rice because I don't use long grain rice.

I've only ever used long grain rice. Are other rice varieties all
that different in taste? Slightly different texture sounds pretty
insignificant to me.


I like sticky rice, but I don't see any else here using it