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Default Sunday supper.... a mixed bag

On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 03:08:00 -0700, Leonard Blaisdell
> wrote:

>In article >,
>dsi1 > wrote:
>> These days, I like to make a minimalist style of fried rice with just garlic
>> and a little shoyu. That's the way I'd season fried rice if I was cooking for a Brit.

>This is how I make mine. Laugh if you want. First I cook two cups of
>long grain rice in a rice cooker, and while that's happening, I thin
>slice a half bunch of scallions, scramble two eggs hard and chop them
>pretty small, crisp up some small diced ham in a skillet, and by that
>time the rice should be done.
>Then I heat about a tablespoon of canola oil in a two and a half quart
>pot, dump in the rice and stir it around for awhile. I add enough soy
>sauce to make the rice not quite medium brown while stirring, dump the
>crispy ham, chopped eggs and scallions in and heat it all until
>reasonably hot.
>That's it. It ain't authentic, but we like it.

There's no such thing as authentic... every Chinese restaurant I've
ever been to prepares theirs differently. I often prepare it myself
at home and often include more oriental veggies than meat, sometimes
no meat, only because there're no leftovers in the fridge. I prefer
to include bok choy, bean sprouts, celery, onion, carrot, sometimes a
thin omelet diced., and instead of meat 'shrooms. Sometimes there's
no rice, I like to use orzo for fly lice. I'll sometimes include
diced tofu. For flavor I add soy sauce, oyster sauce, black bean
sauce, toasted sesame oil. and white pepper rather than black.