German Riesling 2003
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(Jaybert41) wrote in message >...
> Simply put, it is curious to me how the same people that are toting the
> Kabinetts and Spatleses as lacking acidity are also saying that the BA's and
> TBA's are the real winners. If the vintage as a whole lacks acidity wouldn't
> that apply to all levels of ripeness? One would think that lower sugar levels
> (ie Kabinett) equals more acidity, and higher sugar levels equal lower acidity;
> thus confusing the novice like myself.
> Can anyone explain why the lesser QMP's would show lower acidiy levels and
> therefore be out of balance than the much riper (and presumably sweeter)
> Spatleses, Ausleses, BA's and TBA's?
I've wondered this myself. It seems a contradiction, as acidities
(to my mind) tend to be vintage distinctive, and a ripe year would
preclude having decent acidities. Perhaps as the response to your
Donnhoff question got translated, we need to 'consume (the 2003's) by
the caseload' to determine for ourselves
Mark S
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