Sunday supper.... a mixed bag
On Wed, 24 Jul 2019 11:57:57 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 7/23/2019 6:33 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Chris K. wrote:
>>> I went with a simple baked potato for 90 minutes in my airfryer at
>>> about 310 F topped with a garlic butter, sour cream, and fresh chives.
>> You cooked a simple baked potato for 90 minutes?
>It would take that long at 310°F.
I've never in my life baked a single lonely potatoe... I've always
baked at least four and only when the oven is lit for a
roast/caserole... I've never once lit an oven for just baked potato.
If ever what I wanted was one baked spud it'd be a rare event... it'd
be nuked... I'd much more likely do home fries, a big panful... very
lucious with diced SPAM.