Chicken 'n dumplings
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Chicken 'n dumplings
On 2019-07-25 11:01 a.m.,
> On Thursday, July 25, 2019 at 9:46:20 AM UTC-5, Dave Smith wrote:
>> On 2019-07-23 6:14 p.m.,
>>> I'm thinking of trying my hand at spaetzle as I think I'd like those
>>> as they're small and not doughy. I'm wondering if I could use cake
>>> flour for them as all the recipes I've seen say to use plain flour?
>>> Plain flour has more protein that than cake flour.
>>> I've seen spaetzle pans online.
>>> But I've got a skillet steamer pan that looks like the same thing.
>>> Holes even look to be the same size.
>> That would do it. I have one of those special spaetzle gizmos with the
>> hopper that slides back and forth over the grate. They can also be
>> sliced. I remember Emeril, or maybe it was Mario, making them by
>> rolling them out and cutting them into squares and diamonds. My friend's
>> mother used a stiffer batter and would put it on a board hanging over
>> the boiling water and slice off thin strips and they would fall into the
>> water.
> Great! Now answer my question if cake flour would be ok to use instead of
> plain flour. Cake flour has less protein and since these will pretty much
> cook in a flash I'm thinking they'd be ok??? Or do you think the spaetzle
> police will show up at my door?
Household flour in Europe is softer than our AP (at least that in the
northern US and Canada) so I reckon cake flour would work. Anyway, it
won't cost much to find out.
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