dsi1 wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > In the USA, only way to stop all this crap is to turn places into
> > National Parks.
Note: I probably should have included State Parks too but I
sometimes wonder if they really are permanent. I've got a huge
(2888 acre) State Park nearby that's all prime North End property
including a lot of waterfront on two bays. I wouldn't be
surprised if someday, that might be all bulldozed down to make a
huge neighborhood which will bring in so much more property tax
for the greedy city council.
> We have a national park next door. It gave me a great delight to see the park rangers wearing those hats that I had only seen in Yogi Bear cartoons and Smokey the Bear posters. I thought "wow, they actually exist!"
That's funny. At the very least, I only live one mile from a vast
"wilderness" - the Atlantic Ocean. Greedy Virginia Beach can't
mess with that.