On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 09:19:08 -0400, songbird >
>> Have you ever tried home canning previously?
>> Your listed method is contrary to pretty well all recommended safe
>> pickling and/or processing procedures.
> ? there is vinegar enough in the brine, i don't
>see anything particularly dangerous there...
You're serious?
NCHFP recipe calls for straight vinegar.
OP's recipe calls for 2 parts water to 1 part vinegar, plus he also
adds back the juice sweated out of the cucumbers by salting. Not
really a very acidic brine at all.
> are you critiquing the method for sealing?
> while oven-canning is not recommended for most
>people to use any more it does work just fine if
>you know what you are doing.
Processing is not just a "method for sealing".
If all you want to do is seal your jars, put a lid and ring on it as
soon as you've added the hot ingredients and it will more than likely
pull a weak vacuum seal.
Proper processing is meant to ensure food safety during storage.
NCHFP says: Only boiling water or pressure canning methods are
recommended for canning foods. Older methods, such as oven canning and
open-kettle canning, have been discredited and can be hazardous.
In other words, oven canning is not recommended period, not just "for
most people, even if you think "you know what you are doing".