Bruce > wrote:
> On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 12:34:13 -0000 (UTC), Jinx the Minx
> > wrote:
>> Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
>>> Y'know, why do we care? Let the dumbass kill himself. Then he'll stop
>>> posting to RFC.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Excellent point.
> If you don't can the way I can, I want you to die. Signed: 2 crazy
> bitches.
Some people make jam by water bath canning and others make freezer jam.
Some people (like me) do it both ways. At least I know that my recipes and
processing methods arent going to poison my family by luck of the draw.
If air fryer canning was tested, with scientifically sound times and temps
then so be it, but it hasnt been. Hes just poking and hoping.