On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 20:16:08 -0000 (UTC), Jinx the Minx
> wrote:
>Bruce > wrote:
>> On Tue, 30 Jul 2019 12:34:13 -0000 (UTC), Jinx the Minx
>> > wrote:
>>> Cindy Hamilton > wrote:
>>>> Y'know, why do we care? Let the dumbass kill himself. Then he'll stop
>>>> posting to RFC.
>>>> Cindy Hamilton
>>> Excellent point.
>> If you don't can the way I can, I want you to die. Signed: 2 crazy
>> bitches.
>Some people make jam by water bath canning and others make freezer jam.
>Some people (like me) do it both ways. At least I know that my recipes and
>processing methods aren’t going to poison my family by luck of the draw.
>If air fryer canning was tested, with scientifically sound times and temps
>then so be it, but it hasn’t been. He’s just poking and hoping.
if you can look inside the jars and see a very slow boil then you know
the temp is good
____/~~~sine qua non~~~\____