Thread: dinner tonight
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Hank Rogers[_3_] Hank Rogers[_3_] is offline
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Default dinner tonight

> On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 14:17:09 -0400, Dave Smith
> > wrote:
>> On 2019-07-31 11:37 a.m., Gary wrote:
>>> So I took home my pizza with anchovies. Only one bite and I
>>> arrgghhed. lol. She was right...not good at all. I picked them
>>> all off but the pizza still tasted of anchovies. I probably
>>> should have married her instead of the other one later on. lol

>> I think that anchovies on pizza has done a lot to turn people off anchovies.

> Not me, I've been eating anchovy since childhood, I'll eat them
> directly from the tin. I like the rolled ones best but not so easy to
> find anymore. I generally don't order anchovy on pizza because the
> high baking temperature ruins the anchovy.

Ahoy Popeye. Yoose correct as always. The problem with anchovies is
that most people have never had the pleasure of eating out a genuine
100% elderly mexican/mayan woman with gonococcus puss dripping from
her crotch. Sailors often do this, but the rest of us, not so much.

Also true that if yoose bake one of these old whores from the donkey
shows, it RUINS the fish flavor of their crotch. Plus, yoose can't
even hump them anymore.

Scientists are currently puzzled, and awaiting yoose explanation.