Thread: dinner tonight
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Bruce[_28_] Bruce[_28_] is offline
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Default dinner tonight

On Wed, 31 Jul 2019 16:37:00 -0600, graham > wrote:

>On 2019-07-31 3:18 p.m., Pamela wrote:
>> On 16:37 31 Jul 2019, Gary > wrote:
>>> Pamela wrote:
>>>> Why do you go to an Italian restaurant if you want to eat an "American
>>>> meat dish"?
>>> Many years ago, I used to eat at a nearby italian restaurant often. One
>>> day, I went in and ordered a take-out pizza. Waited for it then paid and
>>> took it home to eat.
>>> Anyway, I asked for a so-so pizza but this time I said and also
>>> anchovies on it. She said, "you don't want anchovies on it." I said,
>>> "Yes. I want anchovies this time." She tried her best to talk me out of
>>> it but I insisted.
>>> So I took home my pizza with anchovies. Only one bite and I arrgghhed.
>>> lol. She was right...not good at all. I picked them all off but the
>>> pizza still tasted of anchovies. I probably should have married her
>>> instead of the other one later on. lol

>> She was looking after you!
>> As for anchovies on pizza, it's their saltiness which I find overpowering
>> rather than their fishiness.
>> In small quantities they can be very good.

>And they are the principal feature of the French equivalent, ****aladière,
