Cooking bacon
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Hank Rogers[_3_]
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,220
Cooking bacon
> On Friday, August 2, 2019 at 7:42:40 AM UTC-5, wrote:
>> The old cat I had many moons ago weighed in at 30lbs. The vet said he
>> was slightly overweight, but not enough to worry. He was as large as
>> a wire haired terrier, he was rescued in an out of the way area and
>> the vet said an area where they don't neuter or spay, so the genes can
>> be very different.
>> He was a fantastic mouser, which was great in my last house because
>> the mice wanted to come in during the fall. He lived to the ripe old
>> age of 19. I knew when he was mousing, he would be lying on the bed
>> and if he heard a mouse down in the basement, he would 'glide' off the
>> bed - normally he thudded off the bed. About 20 minutes later he
>> would come back to 'share' his kill, yuck.
> Maybe he was a Maine Coon or a Norwegian Forest cat?? They get to be large
> bruisers but oh so gentle.
I never had one of those big ole cats. They do seem pretty relaxed.
I have a tiny little siamese cat. She's pretty enough to make a
textbook picture, but a very small animal. She is one hell of a
varmint killing machine. Full size rabbits, squirrels, rats etc.
She also brings me "my share", but it's usually the ass end. She
always starts eating her kills from the head end. Teeth, fur,
eyeballs, and all. Being small, she gets full before she can finish
a critter her own size, so she delivers the ass end to me.
I'm way out in the boondocks and I really appreciate her control of
mice. I haven't used mouse poison for years, and my mouse traps only
catch a few per year that manage to get by her.
Oh yeah ... for Popeye ... she don't need no schtinkin heated water
bowl or heated bed, and no fancy vittles from the jewish deli. She
actually lives with me. Comes in and out whenever she damn well
pleases by scratching on the door, same as dogs do.
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Hank Rogers[_3_]
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