I just WD40ed, washed and cleaned my Nordictrack...
On Mon, 5 Aug 2019 10:39:45 -0500, Sqwertz >
>On Mon, 05 Aug 2019 08:44:39 +1000, Je?us wrote:
>> On Sun, 4 Aug 2019 10:05:53 -0700 (PDT), John Kuthe
>> > wrote:
>>>...and then RIPPED 40 Slippery Sexy Mins on my CLEAN Nordictrack!!
>>>I wanna get "Slippery Sexy" with April! :-) I invited her for BLATs for Brunch! Don't know if and when she might be up for the former, but for the latter I have LOTS of vine-ripening Tomatoes, Bacon, Avocados and Lettuce and Hellmann's best Mayo! YUM!
>> 2 things John:
>> 1: WD40 is a pointless choice, it's not a lubricant. What were you
>> trying to achieve?
>WD stands for water displacement/deterrent. Used as a lubricant
>mostly, it was originally made for preventing corrosion and rust.
>Which would be helpful here since Psycho is excreting sweat and
>other unmentionable body fluids all over his fancy dingleberry
>flapper. There's also flywheels on it that need lubing, not to
>mention Psycho himself.
All true, except it's still not really a lubricant... or at least it
makes a very poor lubricant other than for temporary use.
a 50/50 mix of transmission fluid and acetone works even better, if
you have those ingredients lying around.