Low fat cheese help
Colgake wrote:
> I accidentally bought low fat cheddar cheese -- tiny wording, package
> was almost identical to the regular stuff. My wife tried it first and
> was horrified, I tried it and tend to agree. It's thin tasting and
> has a different texture.
> Does anyone have ideas for what we can do with almost a pound of the
> stuff? Haven't used it before, so not sure if it's possible to put
> it in something like mac and cheese and have it come out ok by
> compensating by adding anything else (besides five pounds of regular
> cheese, of course).
LOL! Yes, there are places you can use it. First, I suggest grating
it all as that's the most useful form. Then freeze it in roughly 2 cup
ziplock bags. You should get 4-5 bags. Do use a permanent marker on
the bag to list 'low-fat' so it doesnt get mixed up.
Now think of things that are enhanced with a little cheese but it's not
a major flavor point. For me, a little sprinkle on a fresh green salad
would work since I do not use that much there to actually be a taste
element. Feta would be different but with a cheddar it is a dusting
for pretty.
Think of things where the regular cheese melts too fast and no longer
looks so pretty. Top with a bit of this (mixed for flavor with a
fuller cheese). I'd use it with baking bread as a topper to look nice.
Real cheese will slide off.
Garlic bread (home made please!). Spread your long cut bagette with
butter and minced garlic. Sprinkle lightly with the low fat cheese.
You wouldnt want too much regular cheese to mask the delicate garlic
butter and this is actually a better match.
Soup garnish. Unlike regular cheese which will melt and 'be gone' in a
hot soup, this as a topper will still be distinct.
Worth a start! I hate waste.