cshenk wrote:
> Colgake wrote:
>> I accidentally bought low fat cheddar cheese -- tiny wording, package
>> was almost identical to the regular stuff. My wife tried it first and
>> was horrified, I tried it and tend to agree. It's thin tasting and
>> has a different texture.
>> Does anyone have ideas for what we can do with almost a pound of the
>> stuff? Haven't used it before, so not sure if it's possible to put
>> it in something like mac and cheese and have it come out ok by
>> compensating by adding anything else (besides five pounds of regular
>> cheese, of course).
> LOL! Yes, there are places you can use it. First, I suggest grating
> it all as that's the most useful form. Then freeze it in roughly 2 cup
> ziplock bags. You should get 4-5 bags. Do use a permanent marker on
> the bag to list 'low-fat' so it doesnt get mixed up.
> Now think of things that are enhanced with a little cheese but it's not
> a major flavor point. For me, a little sprinkle on a fresh green salad
> would work since I do not use that much there to actually be a taste
> element. Feta would be different but with a cheddar it is a dusting
> for pretty.
> Think of things where the regular cheese melts too fast and no longer
> looks so pretty. Top with a bit of this (mixed for flavor with a
> fuller cheese). I'd use it with baking bread as a topper to look nice.
> Real cheese will slide off.
> Garlic bread (home made please!). Spread your long cut bagette with
> butter and minced garlic. Sprinkle lightly with the low fat cheese.
> You wouldnt want too much regular cheese to mask the delicate garlic
> butter and this is actually a better match.
> Soup garnish. Unlike regular cheese which will melt and 'be gone' in a
> hot soup, this as a topper will still be distinct.
> Worth a start! I hate waste.
Great ideas. I'm also thinking mexican dishes might be a good
candidate. I would first try any of these ideas on one serving to be
sure the crap cheese doesn't ruin a whole bunch of an otherwise good
Certainly don't want to magnify waste