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U.S. Janet B. U.S. Janet B. is offline
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Default Do you have a "Magic Opener"?

On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 16:11:16 -0400, wrote:

>On Sat, 10 Aug 2019 13:14:50 -0600, U.S. Janet B. >
>>On 10 Aug 2019 13:39:58 GMT, KenK > wrote:
>>>If so, do you use it to open tab food cans? I can't get it to work. Slide
>>>tab into slot at end of opener. Raise opener. Can doesn't break seal. Push
>>>down on end of opener. Tab breaks off.
>>>I bought it especially to open these cans!

>>I believe you are supposed to rock the body of the opener toward you,
>>thus peeling the lid back toward you

>I must've opened over a Zillion pull tab cat food cans with just my
>fingers and never a problem... in fact it's rather rare these days
>that I need to use my Swing-A-Way... oh, I needed it yesterday to open
>a can of sliced beets... were it spinach I'da just given the can a
>Popeye Hug but beet juice can be messy. I don't waste the beet juice,
>it contains lots of nutrients, first I sip some to make room, then I
>add a small pinch of s n'p. a glug of vinegar, and a tsp of sugar...
>instant pickled beets, and I drink every drop of the juice. BTW,
>pureed beets and beet juce make for extra D-lish chocolate
>cake/brownies. I never dump the juice from canned or heated frozen
>veggies down the drain, I drink it or freeze it to use in stewps...
>most of the veggie's nutrients are in that juice. Dumping the veggie
>juice is tantamont to dumping your coffee/tea and eating the spent

you are you. People have all sort of problems, I use a tab opener
myself. Saves on fingernails and some of the tabs are tough for me.