OT I JUST made a bartch of my Baked Beans (which never saw an oven!)
John Kuthe wrote:
> 4 lbs of dried beans, soaked
> 3 LARGE red onions, chopped
> 1 Head Garlic, minced
> 1/2 lb BACON, rendered of fat to precook/fry onions/garlic
> 5 Beef Bouillon Cubes
> 16oz Tomato Paste
> Fresh and canned Black Pepper
> Brown Sugar
> Molasses
> Sweet Paprika
> Cayenne pepper to taste
> Bay Leaves
> Bacon (fried!)
> :-)
> Beats the HECK out of Bush's CANNED BEANS!
Sounds good but a few questions -
4 lbs of dried and soaked beans?
Yoose must have a Sheldon navy pot(tm)
For actual recipe, you put amounts but forgot to say how much
brown sugar and how much molasses.
If you tell the exact recipe, I'd like to try it someday.