On 8/20/2019 5:14 PM, Hank Rogers wrote:
> Terry Coombs wrote:
>> On 8/20/2019 4:43 PM, wrote:
>>> On Tue, 20 Aug 2019 16:14:30 -0500, Terry Coombs >
>>> wrote:
>>>> Â*ÂÂ*I let it cook longer this time . Fall-off-the-bone tender and the
>>>> flavor is incredible . I sprinkled it liberally with season salt
>>>> before
>>>> I put it on , then basted with a white wine/olive oil/season salt
>>>> mixture . It looks like around 18-20 minutes/pound is what this
>>>> machine
>>>> likes - no temp control , just HOT .
>>> What kind of chicken?Â* All that bother for a scrawny 2.5 pound
>>> stupidmarket chicken what you coulda bought for $5 take-out atÂ* any
>>> deli.Â* Unless you show us I don't believe you... more likely a bucket
>>> from the Colonel.... but more likely a can of Campbell's Chicken
>>> Noodle.Â* What a fake you are.
>> ÂÂ* Well , since you asked so nicely , it was a 5 1/2 lb Tyson Young
>> Chicken . BTW , your jealousy is showing , tsk tsk . You just wish
>> you were half as talented a cook as I am . <smoochies>
> Old Popeye only cooks up 10-12 lb chickens. That way, 2 or 3 will be
> enough for each person.
> He scoffs at tiny 5 lb birds. Yoose would have to cook a half dozen to
> feed Popeye
Â* Then it's a good thing I don't have to feed him ! He isn't by any
chance The Big Niece in disguise is he ? Say , this COA de jima Tequila
silver is pretty tasty ! 100% blue agave , and very very smooth . Couple
more shots and Evil Snag may bust thru and say things Mellow Snag would
never ...
Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !