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-L. :
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MareCat > wrote in message >. ..

> That sounds yummy, Lyn! Happy Belated Birthday to your DH and DS!

Thanks for the BD wishes - we had a nice time.

> Prior to DD's arrival, DH and I had always treated each other to a
> nice dinner out on our birthdays. (The restaurant was always chosen by
> the one treating and was always a surprise--even while en route to the
> place.) Now, we're much more likely to make each other a nice dinner
> at home (although we did get a babysitter for my last birthday, and DH
> took me out for a very nice dinner at a new place that had just opened
> up). With the exception of manning the smoker and grill, DH doesn't

> cook much at all. He can prepare a mean steak dinner, though, so
> that's what I usually get (no complaints from me, however!).
> Our anniversary was this past week, and he prepared a great (steak, of
> course) dinner. Porterhouse steaks, grilled to perfection, with
> sauteed mushrooms and a variety of delicious sides (already prepared,
> from Central Market, but who cares). Dessert was individual bread
> puddings (also from CM) topped with vanilla Blue Bell ice cream.

Yum, yum. Happy Anniversary late!

> His birthday is this Thursday, and I'm either going to make stromboli

How do you make them? I haven't had one in years.

> (his favorite), with salad, or something fancier, like Beef
> Wellington, with twice-baked potatoes, veggies, and salad. Dessert
> will be strawberry-rhubarb pie (his favorite dessert).
> Mary

Sounds wonderful. BTW - nice to "see" you here! I didn't know you were a foodie...
