Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in
> Wayne > :
>> Dog3 <dognospam@adjfkdla;not> wrote in
>> 4:
>>> "Gregory Morrow" >
>>>> Scott wrote:
>>>>> In article . net>,
>>>>> "Gregory Morrow" >
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> > 1. If I had kids I sure wouldn't take them out to a restaurant
>>>>> > so they could play with coloring books. That kind of thing
>>>>> > belongs in the
>>>> school or
>>>>> > the home or in the back of the minivan - *not* a restaurant.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2. It's a certified fact that families with kids are the
>>>>> > absolute
>>>> *worst*
>>>>> > tippers. They'll run yer ass off and demand just everything and
>>>>> > you'll
>>>> be
>>>>> > lucky to get 5% *if that* in a tip. These types should be
>>>>> > confined to
>>>> wild
>>>>> > life reservations and not allowed in regular restaurants.
>>>>> I'm certainly no fan of the little darlings in many restaurants.
>>>>> Certainly, there are ones where kids are appropriate--McDonald's,
>>>>> Friendly's, family places like that. Waitpersons and other
>>>>> customers should expect kids in those places--but I don't go there
>>>>> (and not just because of the kids).
>>>>> However, a waitress who gives kids a single crayon for
>>>>> almost-completed coloring books, and crushes their Oreos... that's
>>>>> just mean.
>>>> serves the little pukes right...heehee...
>>> Oh Gawd... I just spit out my OJ. Not politically correct Greg, but
>>> funny as hell.
>>> Michael
>> Life was a lot more pleasant and a lot more fun before "politically
>> correctness" his this planet. When exactly was that, anyway?
> I was young. That's how long ago it was.
> Michael
I know I was already working, but I can't remember at what age.
Wayne in Phoenix
unmunge as w-e-b
*If there's a nit to pick, some nitwit will pick it.
*A mind is a terrible thing to lose.