dsi1 wrote:
> On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 2:24:42 AM UTC-10, Gary wrote:
> > dsi1 wrote:
> > > I'm not so sure that would have happened. Hawaii had a pretty good relationship with Japan which recognized the Kingdom of Hawaii as an independent country. You can believe that Japan would have taken over Hawaii but the reality is that Hawaii was not stolen by the Japanese. Your fantasy is totally self-serving.
> >
> > Given the chance, I have no doubt the Japanese would have stolen
> > Hawaii. Look at history in the early years of the war...they
> > invaded eastern China and treated those people like crap. At the
> > time, they were just as evil as the Nazis.
> >
> > Hitler's big mistake was turning on his Russian allies. Japan's
> > big mistake was turning on the American Navy based in Hawaii and
> > awakening a sleeping giant.
> >
> > Ted Nugent: "The Japanese turned on us and we melted them!"
> > Note: that's no hearsay. He played a concert right here in
> > Virginia Beach on a beach stage one year and I was right up front
> > in the crowd when he said that. That even shocked me. Figured the
> > city would never invite HIM back again for a concert and so
> > far....no more Ted Nugent concerts. LOL
> Say wait a minute, are you quite sure that Mr. Nugent used the word "Japanese?" That doesn't sound like the Ted Nugent that I know. Now you really get the last word!
Again...this wasn't hearsay. I was right there when he said that.
Rather than say "Japanese," he might have used the word, "Japs."
The meaning was quite clear.
If you're not familiar with Ted Nugent. He's very pro guns, etc.
During his concert they played very good music but inbetween each
song, Nugent would go on another pro-USA, guns, etc political
rant. That concert was very political.
Also his band was only him on guitar, a bass player and a
drummer. I was amazed at how killer his music was with only 3
band memembers. Takes a superior guitar player to do that.
Hendricks did the same and last time I saw ZZ TOP, still only 3
people and such good sound. TWo "Rip Van Winkle" looking guitar
players and a drummer.