Don't Hate Me Because I Bag My Own Groceries
On Sunday, September 15, 2019 at 7:35:48 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
> A civilised person does not throw atomic bombs on a city. That is
> exactly the kind of behaviour your fighting to stop. Why do it
> yourself then? It's barbaric.
> If it hadn't been the Americans who did that, but the Germans or the
> Japanese, you'd have agreed with me.
The Japanese were determined to fight to the last man. They were sent an
ultimatum to surrender or face the consequences. They thought the USA was
just blowing smoke but it stopped the war and even though it took thousands
of lives it saved 10's of hundreds of thousands of lives on both sides.
It's easy to say 70+ years later from the comfort of your home "that was
just awfully mean what the USA did to poor little old Japan. For shame."
You make war, be prepared to suffer the consequences.