Bertolli olive oil, fact or fiction?
A Moose in Love > wrote:
> I broke down and purchased a liter of Bertolli Extra Virgin. I know
> they've had trouble in the past; being accused of selling adulterated
> oil. However I had hoped that the problem was solved. The stuff I have
> now has been in the fridge for 4 days. It has still not become solid.
> Most OO's I purchase become solid in the cooler. I'm wondering, is this
> oil still being trifled with? Thoughts?
Theres no way to know. Whether the oil solidifies in the fridge or not
isnt a valid test. There are too many factors at play. Personally, I
wouldnt buy an oil that had been found to be adulterated in the past.
There are too many good oils out there to waste money on questionable ones.